College Admission Essays/Grades 7-12 English Tutoring

Manuscript Editing
You want to write a book, but you have no idea where to start.
Or…you DO know where to start, and you know where you want to go, but any time you show your manuscript to someone, they struggle to appreciate the story because you struggle so much with grammar.
I’m here to help. I’ll be your tutor-editor, helping you understand ways to improve your writing while also supporting and advising as you build your story.
Sound good? Want to hear something even better? I’m affordable! I’m a writer, a teacher, and a realist. I don’t have a money tree in my back yard, and I suspect that you don’t, either.
How I work: Via Google Docs, I line-edit your manuscript during our live sessions while teaching you the grammar to make you more independent in the future. If you desire more intense line-editing of your manuscript outside of our tutoring sessions, I will give an estimate for the manuscript based on the 25-page initial assessment (I charge $45.00 for the initial assessment). As a long-time teacher and professional writer, I am a grammar expert and able to explain “the why” behind the corrections. In addition, I will make stylistic suggestions to you, i.e. “Writer Craft,” in order to help your book become the powerhouse you want it to be.
How I am paid: I keep a timesheet that you have access to, and you can easily keep track of the time I started, the time I finished, and the amount due upon receipt of the latest section I give you. The majority of my clients “pay as they go”. They send a chapter at a time, I edit and return it, and they can easily see, via the timestamps on their Google Doc with my comments on it, how long I was working in the document. Please see chart below for my rates, which are for manuscripts. Essay turn-around times are faster than book manuscripts, although in the summer, you may expect faster turn-arounds. As of this moment, I am still a full-time English teacher, but you may count on me to devote weekly time to your work, as well.

Ready to get started? Click “Contact” , and let’s talk about your goals and how I can help!